For quite some time I’ve been trying to set up NFS an my MyBook World Edition (white light) to be able to mount the shared directories directly from Ubuntu.
Disable Services on MBWE
I’ve been using Western Digital’s MyBook World Edition (white light) for the last half a year or so. Until recently, everything worked fine but last week I noticed that the disk doesn’t spin down anymore. There seems to be constant activity on the device. Using ssh to log in, I noticed that there are quite a lot of services running which I thought I had disabled previously, including twonkymediaserver and miocrawler.
Fix Non-persistent Window Size for Thunderbird
For a while (it might have started in the days of Intrepid/Kubuntu 8.10) my Thunderbird window never remembered its geometry between restarts. When starting TB, I always got a small window which I then had to resize to the desired size. No changes to prefs.js seemed to make a difference. Today, I came across a post which pointed me into the right direction. On Jaunty (Kubuntu 9.04), I had to do the following: Open System Settings, click on Window Behaviour in the section Look & Feel.
Holux M-241 Power Consumption
A few months ago, Holux released a new firmware for its M-241 GPS logger. This latest version v1.12 allows to turn off Bluetooth whereas before it was always on – whether used or not. Turning off BT is expected to lower the overall current consumption of the device. But does it really?
To find out more, Oliver and I set out to measure the power consumption. In theory, this is quite simple: Get your hands on a fairly accurate current meter (in our case a Fluke 87), put it in series to the power supply circuit and measure the current in various states.
Holux M-241 and Rechargeable Batteries
I tested my Holux with rechargeable batteries from Ansmann and can report that they work fine (even on a winter day in the mountains). I’ve used the following type: Ansmann maxE 2100 mAh (it’s a NiMH HR6 with 1.2 V and 2100 mAh)
One problem I noticed though was that the battery diameter is too big meaning that you can get it in but not out again (at least not easily). Removing the wrapper helps. I don’t know whether the battery compartment is too narrow or the battery itself too wide. According to the AA specs, the diameter is supposed to be 14.0 +/- 0.5 mm.
WPG2 and deFusion Theme
After upgrading the deFusion theme from version 0.8.6 to 0.9 the embedded gallery looked all wrong (white frames around all images). To fix it, I had to remove the bits below:
Rewrite URLs in WP and Gallery2
To get the URL rewriting working in WP I had to edit the apache config and change AllowOverride None to AllowOverride FileInfo. I then got the URLs working properly, but Apache didn’t seem to like it at all. I had lots of instances spawning constantly and bringing the server to a grinding halt (a load of 30 is quite a pain).
A fresh start
This blog is intended to be a random collection of stuff I happen to stumble upon.